The University of York Library already subscribes to legal databases from this host, but we haven’t previously had access to the Parliament service. Follow the instructions on the website below to register for a personal account for the duration of the promotion.
The Justis Parliament database provides a single cross-searchable interface to House of Commons parliamentary questions and debates, parliamentary papers (both official and unpublished) and a legislation tracker allowing you to follow the progress of a bill. Of course the bulk of this material is already free-to-access from the UK Parliament website http://www.parliament.uk/, but you may find the Justis interface faster and more intuitive for searching and saving results.
You can access Justis Parliament:
Directly at www.justis.com/freeparliament/
or at nearly a thousand public libraries in England – ask yours if it’s taking part.
With an archive back to 1979 – further than any other electronic public repository of this material – Justis Parliament provides the most intuitive route and the only single-entry point into every element of Hansard and numerous other governmental archives. Justis Parliament gives users the chance to:
- See all MPs’ parliamentary questions and answers
- Keep an eye on Bills going through parliament
- Get the lowdown on Select Committees and debates
- Refine your searches like no other database, helping separate the relevant from the irrelevant.
Go to http://www.justis.com/default.aspx or http://www.justis.com/freeparliament/and start your search today!